Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today's World

Micah 7:3

"That they may successfully do evil with both hands ---The prince asks for gifts, The judge seeks a bribe, And the great man utters his evil desire; So they scheme together. "

This is a description of the last days and the immoral condition of today. Watch the words, "they do evil with both hands" and "they scheme together"! Don't they? Hands are itchy to steal, bribe, cheat and swindle. No wonder God looks at His people and says in Isaiah 1:15 " When you spread out your hands , I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood."

Paul has rightly prophesied saying " But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come, for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (Read 2 Tim. 3:1-3) I believe these verses describe the time in which we are now living. Read the newspaper or watch the evening news, the condition of today's society is appalling!

I believe that as we look at this text, we will find a word of warning for ourselves as well. Perhaps, as we look at what Micah had to say, you might wonder where you fit in. Well, let's look at our text and see where we are, and what God would say to us. Brains are now used by the devil for destructive purposes. Hey friend, do you know that there is much corruption and deception in the life of ordinary people today ?

- Very skillfully educated professionals cheat the organization with false
experience certificates, false information and so on.
- Bogus medical/travel bills are submitted to claim medical and LTA claim.
- Many methods are adopted to evade tax ( our educated people have agents to
- work this out for them efficiently)
- Various crafty ways are adopted to acquire several credit cards.
- Internet frauds are done by educated professionals
- Efficiently and professionally various ways are invented to avoid purchase of soft
wares and young, educated men have become thieves stealing soft wares. Make an inventory to find out if you have paid for all the soft wares that you are using.
Ethics have been thrown to the wind and character lost.
- Ask the advocates and they would tell you how to efficiently and articulately
speak lies within the spiritual jurisdiction? Is it allowed in the heavenly jurisdiction?
- Ask the doctors and they would give safe ways of abortion.
- Ask the Industrialists and they would certainly know ways to bribe discreetly.
- Ask the auditors and he would give you expert advice to hide the black money.

Micah 6:8"..And what does the LORD require of you, But to do justly..?"

Someone said, "It is not what we eat, but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain, but what we save that make us rich; not what we read, but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess, but what we practice that makes us Christians."

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