Saturday, December 3, 2011

Coconut Ice Recipe

Coconut Ice Recipe

Coconut Ice Main Ingredients:

Coconut ice ingredients

1 Cup Soji/Rava/Semolina
1 Cup Milk
Less than a Cup of Ghee
200 - 220 Gms Scrapped Coconut
2 & 1/2 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Ground Cashews
1 Table Spoon Butter
1 Tea Spoon Both Almond & Coconut Essence
Small Quantity of Cochineal or Red Colour

almond and coconut extract


All the main ingredients have to be mixed together, you start off by heating the ghee and rava.

Ghee and rava
Make sure your flames on the lowest possible flame, add the sugar and ground cashew to the coconut ice mixture as well.
mixing coconut ice ingredients
You can either do this step earlier, that’s grind the coconut and milk together to get coconut milk.
milk and ground coconut
Once your coconut milks ready you can add it to the mixture.

add coconut milk to the mixture
Now comes an essential part in most Goan sweets, stirring on a slow flame. Fast flames never get the desired result, patience is the key.
stir the mixture
Keep Stirring the mixture, soon you shall see all the ingredients fusing together.
goan sweets require stirring
It changes texture and looks like what it does in the picture below.
coconut ice ingredients fused together
Its not yet close to done, so change your stirring hand and go on.
keep stirring the coconut ice mixture
As it thickens the stirring gets tougher, but it’s a good sign, the sweet is getting done.
coconut ice stirring gets tougherOnce you notice the sweet beginning to leave the sides of the dish, it’s time for you to add the cochineal or red colour.
mixture starts leaving the dish
The trick to getting the right colour is to always add less, on adding more you can’t get the colour you want back if you put in too much.
cochineal colour
Once you add the colour, stir it to check and see if it’s enough.
add colour to the coconut ice Add some more if the colours too pale.
mix cochineal with coconut ice
Once that’s done add the tablespoon of butter don't forget that you still need stir it a little more.
add a tablespoon of butterCheck the consistency in water, you pour some normal room temperature in a small bowl.
check mixture consistency in waterAdd a small ball of the mixture in it, if it hardens your Coconut Ice is ready.
add a small coconut ice ball to the waterIf the ball is soft, it still needs to be cooked for some more time.
add the coconut and almond extractAdd the almond and coconut extract at this time, and remove the mixture from the dish.
remove mixture from the dish
You need to place the mixture on a greased surface, we use the granite platform itself, since its stone its cooler enabling faster cooling of the dish.
place mixture on greased surface
Once it’s out, flatten it, first with your hand and then with a baton to get an even surface.
flatten mixture with a baton
Make sure it’s got the right thickness as well, that you would like.
flatten the mixtureGive it a little time for it too cool off and once that’s done you can now cut your coconut ice.
uncut coconut cordial
We cut it into simple diamond shapes, which we have for other sweets as well.
cutting the coconut iceHers some of the coconut ice all cut up.
coconut ice diamond shape
All the best with your Coconut Ice, I'm sure this coconut ice recipe will help you turn out another delicious goan special.
ready to eat coconut ice


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